
The Big Secret of Motivation

The Big Secret of Motivation

Does it frustrate you that sometimes you just can't get on with something.  Learn this secret of motivation and you can use a simple switch of mindset whenever you want. Every day you can look back for demonstrations of your own real commitment to positive...

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10 Minute Daily Habit to Positive Motivation

10 Minute Daily Habit to Positive Motivation

To develop a habit, you have to practice and when you practice regularly, you get really good at it, even if it's a bad habit.   Practice my 10 minute daily habit exercise at the start of each day to develop positive motivation. Write down 5 things that show you are...

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Top 5 Mind Tips On How To Motivate Yourself

Top 5 Mind Tips On How To Motivate Yourself

The only thing standing between us and what we want or need to do is our brain, or rather our mindset, so it stands to reason if you can change your mindset, you can motivate yourself to do anything.  Practice these top 5 mind tips and take control. I was having...

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The No 1 Reason for Lack of Motivation

The No 1 Reason for Lack of Motivation

Everyone suffers from a lack of motivation from time to time (or more often than not!), but here is only one thing between us and those things we need to do or should be doing, and that’s our brain. Maybe we’re finding it difficult to motivate ourselves around...

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13 Top Tips for Losing Weight Positively

13 Top Tips for Losing Weight Positively

Diets don't work, we know that, but there is a solution in these top tips for losing weight positively. There will always be tempting 'fad diets', it's a billion dollar industry with promises of rapid weight loss, after rapid weight loss comes rapid weight gain and...

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Why Diets Don’t Work

Why Diets Don’t Work

We all know diets don't work - that is, if you want the weight to come off and stay off!  But why?  What effect does dieting have on our brain to make us ultimately put on weight again. But if you just want a quick fix to lose fat for a couple of months, then you want...

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How Does Hypnosis Help Weight Loss?

How Does Hypnosis Help Weight Loss?

We've agreed that hypnosis helps weight loss, but how does it help, we don't hypnotise you into not eating!  So how do we work at Old Town Hypnotherapy? In my last blog Does Hypnosis for Weight Loss Work? I talked about two distinctive parts of the brain, our...

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Does Hypnosis for Weight Loss Work?

Does Hypnosis for Weight Loss Work?

You may have heard about a hypnosis gastric band or think you can be hypnotised into not eating cake or simply heard that hypnotherapy can help with weight loss - but what is it all about and does it work? Before I answer, or at least give my opinion on whether they...

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Why Do I Feel Anxious?

Why Do I Feel Anxious?

Cogito ergo sum  or "I think, therefore I am" is a philosophical proposition by René Descartes.  The simple meaning is that thinking about one’s existence proves one's own existence. Perhaps there is just a small clue in that title to answer the questions Why Do I...

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