
How to say ‘NO’ without feeling bad about it.

How to say ‘NO’ without feeling bad about it.

Do you ever find yourself saying yes to something you don’t really want to do. Saying ‘no’ to somebody who is asking you directly, put on the spot, it can be incredibly difficult and causes anxiety, so here are my top tips for how to say no without feeling bad about it.

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How to be assertive… without being aggressive.

How to be assertive… without being aggressive.

If you are in the right place emotionally and mentally, then becoming aggressive is rare, however, people who have a short fuse have a stress bucket that is too full so the place to start is with dealing with one’s own issues. In the short term, here are some strategies you can use.

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How to start beating anxiety

How to start beating anxiety

Many people with anxiety believe it is a condition they have for life, but you can help yourself and free yourself from anxiety.  This a short explanation of how to get started... Watch the video or read the text. Today I want to help you understand how you can start...

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The science of positive thinking

No doubt you’ve heard of positive thinking and people who describe themselves as a ‘cup half full or half empty’ person, but what is the science behind how we think and feel – is it really a choice? How you choose to think will determine your life’s path, so choose wisely.

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How to Overcome Procrastination

How to Overcome Procrastination

Everyone Procrastinates from time to time, but allowed to become a habit, procrastination cause exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and depression and in that vicious cycle can also be a contributor to the conditions in the first place – learn how to overcome it and put your life back on track.

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5 Positive Thinking Videos to Inspire and Make You Laugh

5 Positive Thinking Videos to Inspire and Make You Laugh

How we think is our choice and the way we think influences the world around us. What we focus on magnifies, so if we focus on our problems they multiply, but if you focus on what you DO want, that will also magnify and become more real. The Importance of Staying...

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Why Are Eating Disorders So Common

Why Are Eating Disorders So Common

Obsessively over eating, under eating, binge eating, obsessively fussy eating - all forms of eating disorders which are becoming more and more common in modern society, by why? To understand why so many people are developing eating disorders from mild to extreme which...

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Is It A Fear or A Phobia?

Is It A Fear or A Phobia?

Is It A Fear or Is It A Phobia How do you know if you have a Fear or a Phobia and what is the difference and why do you need to know? Well the names are misleading and depending on whether it is a fear or a phobia it will be helped by different techniques. Agoraphobia...

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Keep Calm and Argue Better!

Keep Calm and Argue Better!

Keep Calm when those around you are losing their cool and you will be able to argue better. Anger is a primitive opt out response, it designed to increase your strength in the face of danger, crisis or emergency but in our modern lives its not very helpful, if you can...

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How to Channel Your Anger Positively

How to Channel Your Anger Positively

Anger is a negative emotion, but you can learn how to channel your anger into positive solutions. What does anger achieve – honestly It makes you stronger for fighting It makes you faster for chasing the things you’re angry at It creates anxiety and stress Keeps you...

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How to Manage Your Anger

How to Manage Your Anger

The main person your anger affects is you, so it is in your benefit to learn how to manage your anger Your anger is your responsibility to manage, blaming others wont change a thing and you will continue to be angry. So how can you learn to manage your anger? People...

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Why You Get Angry

Why You Get Angry

Does it sometimes worry you that you lose control, have you wondered why you get angry? Anger management and worrying about losing their temper is a reason clients regularly come to see us for hypnotherapy to get help.  Seeking help is a...

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