Why are we happier in the summer?
Why do we feel happier in the summer – is it the sun, perhaps its the vitamin D we’re getting or perhaps there is another reasons that we can quiet easily emulate in the winter months – perhaps it’s just attitude! is SAD real?
Symptoms of Anxiety & Depression
OCD, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, excessive alcohol consumptions, gambling, self harm and many other psychological conditions are all symptoms of anxiety and depression. Understand why focusing of the problem keeps it alive and makes it worse in some cases.
How Does Agoraphobia Develop?
Agoraphobia is often described as a specific fear of open or public places. But it is NOT a specific fear or a phobia at all, it is a symptom of a general anxiety disorder. An extreme symptom, but it is a symptom, let me explain how agoraphobia develops
One Man’s Story of Recovery from Depression
Richard Surman is an inspiration, he was hitting rock bottom when he made the decision things had to change and he did it all by himself. He’s not a client, he’s not an expert, he’s just an ordinary bloke with extraordinary determination, this is what he says about it.
Why are Sleep Disorders the First Warning Sign for Anxiety or Depression
As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I would estimate that 95% of people who come to see me have problems with sleep in the form of, Insomnia, can’t get to Sleep, wake up multiple times in the night, wake up with night terrors or night panic attacks, Wake up exhausted and tired all the time. There is a scientific explanation for this and why sleep disorders are so closely related to anxiety and depression.
You were not born depressed
The simple fact is no baby is born depressed or anxious, it is something you learn from the influences around you. Our brain is constantly being reformed and rewired so if you learn to be depressed, you can unlearn it as well.
What your doctor doesn’t tell you about antidepressants
There is a valid reason Doctors don’t explain too much about antidepressants, but at Old Town Hypnotherapy, our job is to empower you to take control and make positive changes in your life. Understanding how you can influence the outcome is part of that empowerment.
The Pivotal Point of Recovering for Anxiety and Depression Related Disorders
There is known a pivotal point of when anyone suffering from anxiety and/or depression and related disorders start to recover. Understanding and accepting this simple yet powerful concept rather than resisting is the first step – take it.
When you wake up feeling miserable
Do you ever have those mornings when you wake up just feeling miserable and fed up and you don’t really know why.
You wouldn’t be human if that didn’t happen from time to time, but then the questions is, what do you then do about it? Do you choose to stay miserable all day?
2 Phrases & 2 Words to Eliminate From Your Vocabulary Permanently
We grow up developing language patterns from the people we associate most with and unconsciously adopt the same way of talking using familiar words and phrases. However, your brain will act on literal meanings so this negative language could self sabotage your mental health and success in life.
3 Things People With Anxiety Do Wrong Consistently
There are three habits that people with anxiety all do either consciously or unconsciously on a daily basis. People without anxiety don’t do this and this is how anxiety is created. Everyone can retrain their mind to drop these habits with practice.
2 Phrases and 2 Words To Eliminate From Your Vocabulary
You have no idea how much these phrases and words are damaging your life and stopping you from moving forwards. They will prevent you stepping outside your comfort zone or doing anything different, regardless of whether you might enjoy it or it's potentially...
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