
Your Personality Archetypes & Anxiety

Your Personality Archetypes & Anxiety

Why does one person develop an obsessive compulsive disorder when they're anxious, yet another person reacts in a more physically disabling way with a illness? Well, it depends on your personality archetype; how you are as a person will influence your symptoms of...

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What is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety? How do you know if you’ve got anxiety and how does it manifest itself. There are technical medical explanations, Wikipedia explains anxiety as an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, and the Oxford English dictionary defines it as uneasiness or trouble...

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5 Ways To Beat Anxiety

5 Ways To Beat Anxiety

Anxiety can take over your life, but there are ways in which you can help yourself to be less anxious, here are 5 ways to beat anxiety. Anxiety is one of the top two reasons why clients come to see us for help with hypnotherapy (the other is depression)....

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Your Mind is A Muscle That Needs Exercising

Your Mind is A Muscle That Needs Exercising

Use It or Lose it - Your mind is a muscle, if you don't use it and give it something positive or proactive to do, at the very least it gets up to mischief! You have a huge and amazing intellectual resource.  To simplify a very complex system,  higher Cortex...

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How to Cure Your Depression

How to Cure Your Depression

How to cure your depression or anxiety by understanding the importance of getting things in the right order (and then doing something about it!). Depression horrible (I speak from experience), but there are many things you can do to cure your depression, probably the...

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Why You Should Stop Focusing On Your Problems

Why You Should Stop Focusing On Your Problems

How you can help yourself overcome anxiety and depression by understanding why you should stop focusing on your problems. Have you ever been caught by someone picking a scab and they've scorned - "don't pick it" and it's true isn't it, if we persist in picking...

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How to Control a Control Freak

How to Control a Control Freak

...without them knowing We all come across control freaks in our lives, and being a control freak isn't necessarily a bad thing - in fact, it could be said that to be successful you need some traits of the control freak and you may even be one yourself.  (This is...

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How Procrastination is linked to Anxiety and Depression

How Procrastination is linked to Anxiety and Depression

It can be harmless, but on a large scale procrastination is linked to anxiety & Depression. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain is a wonderfully inspiring quote by Vivian Greene and so true. How many times have...

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How Can You Direct Your Brain Better

How Can You Direct Your Brain Better

Why do you notice certain thing, where do opportunities come from and how can you direct your brain better using this knowledge. Its to do with your brain's natural filters (The pic is because this article was originally titled Spam and referred to our brains 'spam'...

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The Best Drugs in Life Are FREE!

Yep, natural highs!  and we're not talking about those legal highs or stuff you can pick out the hedgerows and make and interesting tea with or what you can steal from the chemist.  We're talking neurotransmitters. Everyone has the ability to create euphoria. It's an...

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To Be or Not To Be? It Is Actually Your Choice

To be or Not to be? - That is the question Act 3, Scene 1, Page 3 of Hamlet by William Shakespeare The answer? - Anything you want it to be, its YOUR choice Ok, so I'm using artistic license a little to digress from Shakespear's literal meaning in Hamlet and I'm no...

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Why Does Success Land in the Lap of Some But Not Others?

Have you ever wondered why some people are uber successful and lucky while others struggle, even when they have the same background and upbringing? Cogito ergo sum  or "I think, therefore I am" is a philosophical proposition by René Descartes.  The simple meaning is...

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