
The secret of changing unwanted habits permanently

The secret of changing unwanted habits permanently

When trying to break bad habits the mistake people often make is to try and do it from will power alone – that’s the hard way. 
Many unwanted habits are stored in part of our brain called the hippocampus and are often automatic reactions to something else which could be an event, emotion, stress and increased anxiety feelings. Watch the video to discover an easier way of ceasing bad habits.

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Are you repelling life?

Are you repelling life?

Today’s article is a no holes barred or punches pulled look at the naked truth about life and how you’re living it. If you believe your life is hard, well quite honestly, it’s probably because that’s how you’re choosing to live it – but you can be forgiven for not knowing why or what to do differently to make it easy. Life is meant to be easy, but your attitude to life will determine whether it actually is or not.

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How to Reduce Anxiety and Depression with Digital Boundaries

How to Reduce Anxiety and Depression with Digital Boundaries

When your sex life is suffering, you’ve developed anxiety or depression, you can’t sleep, your children don’t communicate, a family meal is eating in front of a personal device you know its time to make yourself aware of the technology danger zones and set some digital boundaries in your life.

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How to unblock decision fatigue

How to unblock decision fatigue

Decision fatigue is something that can affect just about everyone at some point, not knowing what to do or worrying about the disastrous potential consequences of the wrong decision can get us stuck in life. The solution is easy but probably the complete opposite of what you are trying to do – take control and force a decision. Understand how you can get unblocked from decision fatigue.

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Holidays Build Bonds and Increase Productivity

Holidays Build Bonds and Increase Productivity

Journalists report that more than three quarters of workers don’t take all of their allotted holiday time each year. That’s unfortunate, since time off has numerous mental and physical benefits that can actually increase your productivity and enhance your quality-of-life in the long term.

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What is the best therapy for anxiety and depression?

What is the best therapy for anxiety and depression?

Is it any wonder people are confused about the different therapies available all claiming to help anxiety and or depression and that’s on top of the pills and potions you can now buy or get prescribed by the doctor.  How do you know which ones do actually help and which one is right for you?

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Finding A New You

Finding A New You

Karen Kerr shares her story of surviving being diagnosed with Chiari Malformation, surviving fifteen plus brain operations, coma, the threat of life support being turned off, meningitis, hydrocephalus and ending up disabled and housebound with depression. Read her amazing courageous story and what helped her turns the corner, beat the depression and get happy again.

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Me, Myself and MS

Me, Myself and MS

Just over a year ago Amy was diagnosed with MS, read her touchingly honest account of how she feels about one year on, the ups and downs, how she is coping now and lives with the knowledge she has an incurable disease.

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The Secret of Productivity

The Secret of Productivity

We have busy lives. There is no magic cure, no shortcut to accomplishing everything that we need to get done in a day. Having a long to-do list and a time limit on certain items can stress us out. Did you know there is a secret to being more productive and to beat stress?

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Who Else Is Not Normal

Who Else Is Not Normal

In this video I share a personal story about how trying to fit myself into a box and follow a conventional life caused me to end up miserable and depressed even though it was following a lifestyle that everyone I knew seemed to accept as normal.  It wasn’t until I embraced my unconventional self that I found my true self and an easy happiness.

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You Are What You Hear

You Are What You Hear

We often give little thought to how we’re thinking even though we get involved in what we are thinking. Becoming aware of how you are thinking is skill that will change your life and understanding how your subconscious thought patterns influence whether your life is easy or like swimming through treacle will give you the skills to shape your future exactly how you would like it to be.

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How to stop living in the past when you don’t want to

How to stop living in the past when you don’t want to

Getting stuck living in the past is a common problem when seems impossible to move on and stop your mind going around and around in circles dwelling on a person or event that should be left in the past. But it is your mind and your thoughts and you can retrain it to start living in the now and looking forward to planning a future.

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