6 Friendships Differences

Between Men and Women


I think we can probably all agree that friendships play an essential role in our lives, Research suggests that people with more friends, or at least strong social connections, tend to live longer. This correlation between social relationships and longevity can be attributed to several interrelated factors, including emotional support, healthier behaviours, reduced stress, and improved mental health. I doubt you need me to tell you that men and women tend to approach friendships quite differently. These differences can be attributed to various factors, including societal expectations, communication styles, and emotional needs. Here are 6 key distinctions between men and women’s friendships:

  1. Emotional Intimacy and Depth


  • Women’s friendships often involve a high degree of emotional intimacy and depth.
  • Women tend to share personal feelings, thoughts, and experiences more openly with their friends, fostering close and emotionally supportive relationships.
  • Conversations between female friends frequently focus on emotional support, personal issues, and relational matters, which helps build strong emotional bonds.


  • Men’s friendships tend to be less focused on emotional intimacy and more on shared activities and interests.
  • Men may discuss personal matters, but these conversations are often less frequent and less in-depth compared to those between women.
  • Emotional support is still present in male friendships, but it may be expressed more through actions and shared experiences rather than verbal communication.
  1. Communication Styles


  • Women typically use communication to build and maintain relationships, often emphasising verbal expression, empathy, and active listening.
  • Conversations between women are usually detailed and involve significant back-and-forth dialogue.
  • Women are more likely to seek and provide reassurance, validation, and emotional support through their interactions.


  • Men often communicate in a more task-oriented and less detailed manner, focusing on information exchange and problem-solving.
  • Male conversations can be more direct and less elaborate, with a tendency to avoid extensive discussion of feelings.
  • Men may show support through practical advice and assistance rather than verbal expressions of empathy.
  1. Activities and Bonding


  • Women often bond through face-to-face interactions and shared verbal communication, such as talking over coffee or engaging in social activities that allow for conversation.
  • Socialising, discussing personal lives, and emotional sharing are common ways women strengthen their friendships.


  • Men often bond through shared activities and interests, such as sports, hobbies, or work-related projects.
  • Activities like watching a game, playing sports, or participating in group projects provide a context for social interaction and bonding without necessarily focusing on emotional exchange.
  1. Conflict Resolution


  • Women are generally more likely to address conflicts directly and seek resolution through open discussion and emotional processing.
  • Female friendships often involve negotiation, compromise, and an emphasis on understanding each other’s feelings to resolve disagreements.


  • Men may avoid direct confrontation and instead use humour, banter or silence to diffuse tension and manage conflicts.
  • Male friendships can sometimes resolve conflicts through non-verbal cues and an unspoken agreement to move past the issue without extensive discussion.
  1. Social Support Networks


  • Women tend to have larger and more diverse social support networks, often including close friends, family members, and acquaintances.
  • They are more likely to seek and provide social support in times of need, utilizing their network for emotional and practical assistance.


  • Men often have smaller, more close-knit social networks, typically consisting of a few close friends and family members.
  • They may rely more on their spouse or partner for emotional support and may be less likely to seek help from a broader network.
  1. Friendship Longevity and Maintenance


  • Women are generally more proactive in maintaining their friendships through regular communication and social activities.
  • They may invest more time and effort in nurturing their relationships, ensuring that friendships remain strong over time.


  • Men may be less proactive in maintaining regular contact but often retain long-standing friendships that can endure periods of limited communication.
  • Male friendships can be characterised by a resilience where friends can reconnect easily after long intervals without feeling the relationship has weakened.


While both men and women value friendships and benefit enormously from them, the ways in which they approach, maintain, and experience these relationships can differ significantly. Women’s friendships often emphasise emotional sharing, verbal communication, and social support, while men’s friendships are frequently centred around shared activities, practical support, and less verbal emotional exchange. Understanding these differences can enhance our appreciation of the unique ways in which friendships contribute to the lives of both men and women, fostering stronger and more supportive relationships across the board.


*This article is looking at same sex friendship and general trends rather than all the other types of friendships that may exist and how individuals maintain them. So please excuse the broad generalisations.