by Maddy Boardman | Jun 18, 2024 | Anger, Anxiety, Anxiety & Depression, Depression, Hypno Blog
Summer Solstice The link between sunlight and mental health I know, I know, I hope you’ve all been enjoying this mild winter in June. Summer sun has been scarce so far this year but hopefully, with the Solstice upon us, we will see an upturn in our British...
by Maddy Boardman | May 21, 2024 | Anxiety, Anxiety & Depression, Hypno Blog, Positive Psychology
Understanding Anxiety We can all feel a bit anxious from time to time, but suffering with anxiety is a complex and multifaceted emotion disorder that can manifest in various forms and intensities. By its very nature anxiety is difficult to quantify as, like pain, it...
by Maddy Boardman | Mar 28, 2024 | Hypno Blog, smoking
The Problem(s) With Vaping Giving up smoking cigarettes is one if the best things we can do for our health, I think we can all agree on that one. We know that smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, smokers lose 13 years of their life to cigarettes...
by Maddy Boardman | Jul 4, 2023 | Anxiety & Depression, Change, How to Help Someone, Hypno Blog, Motivation, Positive Psychology
The Importance of Having a Purpose What does having a purpose even mean? Why is it important and how do we find one? What is Purpose? The dictionary definition tells us that purpose is ‘an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal or the reason something exists’. It...
by Maddy Boardman | Mar 17, 2023 | Anxiety, Anxiety & Depression, Depression, Distorted Thinking, How to Help Someone, Hypno Blog, Positive Psychology, Sleep Disorders
Insomnia Why we suffer from it and 6 ways to alleviate it. Today is World Sleep Day, and the World Sleep Day theme this year is Sleep is Essential for Health. So, we thought it fitting to talk a bit about not sleeping. We regularly see clients in clinic suffering...