Fears & Phobias

Fears and Phobias

Hypnotherapy is very effective for both Phobias and Fears, although they are very different and helped by different methods.


For example Arachnophobia is a specific fear (of spiders) which is a phobia, however, Agoraphobia is a general fear of being in open spaces or crowded places which comes from general anxiety.   As many general fears are given a ‘phobia name, they are often mistaken for a specific fear.

At Old Town Hypnotherapy, we can help with specific fears (phobias) and general fears (anxiety) and we would help you to identify which it is at the free initial consultation.

The origin of a phobia can often be associated with a traumatic or unpleasant event earlier on in life, although can also be triggered during a time of high anxiety. The subconscious, noting high anxiety, steps in with a panic behaviour which we can then begin to associate with an object, place or event. Fears and phobias can be extremely debilitating and restricting in many areas of life. Using hypnotherapy, phobias can be resolved within three to five

The process enables the person to disassociate from the fear/phobia, using specific techniques that enable the emotion to be taken out of the experience. More realistic patterns of thought are then developed helping the individual’s subconscious to become indifferent to the particular object of fear so that they will be less affected by it in the future.

In the therapy room, we see many different types of phobias and fears, many can seem irrational to other people, but to the person suffering, they are very real and come with an uncontrollable reaction.  When these fears or phobias start to have a negative impact on one’s life, hypnotherapy can help.

Some of the fears and phobias we see most regularly are:-

  • Flying
  • Needles
  • Spiders
  • Vomiting
  • Noises especially of eating or swallowing
  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Germs and Contamination

But there are hundreds of different types and if you have a phobia that you think is irrational, even if we haven’t seen it before, we use a technique which can help with anything, so why not come along for a free initial consultation and find out how we can help.

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Company Registration No: 08983761