Book an Initial Consultation
All initial consultations are free for most conditions, confidential and without any obligation to continue.
When you come and see us for the first time, we will ask you what you would like help with and explain in detail exactly how hypnotherapy can help so you are able to make an informed decision. We will not ask you to relive painful memories or disclose anything you feel uncomfortable talking about, a brief synopsis of why you would like help is all we need.
Please let us know if you have any mobility issues so we can book an appropriate room for your needs.
We are centrally located in Wood Street, Swindon and London Road in Marlborough.
Appointments Available
Swindon, Marlborough or Online
Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm
Free Initial Consultation
Initial Consultations are free for the majority of conditions we help with, including anxiety and depression and related symptoms such as OCD, Phobias, IBS, Insomnia, Headaches, Migraine, Pain, fertility etc. To put it simply, if it is not on the list opposite, the initial consultation is free.
For certain conditions we ask for a refundable deposit for the initial consultation. Once you have attended your deposit will be refunded in full. The conditions which are subject to the deposit are:
Anger, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling
For Smoking cessation no initial consultation is required but if you'd like to chat to your therapist prior to your appointment, just let us know.
How to book
You can now self-book online free initial consultations in Swindon between 9am and 5pm.
Please fill out the booking form below or call, whatsapp or text Sue if :
- You require an evening appointment.
- You need to amend or cancel your appointment.
- Or for any of the following specialist appointments:
Smoking, Anger, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling or Children/Teen
Click the picture below to self book
Other Ways To Book:
By Phone: 0330 223 2190
This is a UK National Number which will be included in your free call plan or minutes on your mobile
By Text or Whatsapp: 07771 994909
You are also welcome to book your initial consultation by text or WhatsApp, please let us know whether you would prefer face to face or online, whether daytime or evening is better for you and once booked, we will need an email address to send your confirmation to.
By Email
Using the form below is an easy way to arrange an appointment.
Or, if you prefer you can email directly on
Sue will email you back with some date and time options and once booked, a confirmation – do remember to always check your spam as emails do have a tendency to disappear there.

This is Sue, she is at the other end of the phone, text and email and will get you booked in at the earliest opportunity to suit you.
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